Graduate Instructions

Before You Arrive

You must transfer your guest mobile tickets to your guests, prior to arrival to the student line up.   Instructions on how to do this can be found here.  This will ensure a positive entry experience for your guests as they will not be able to enter the stadium without a ticket.

When and Where to Line Up

Please assemble no later than 8:15 AM in Pascal Field House, located behind the scoreboard at Brooks Field at Wallace Wade Stadium. You must present your student ID and be dressed in your academic apparel (robes should be unzipped for screening and re-zipped for line up).

Students should line up double file according to their school and degree. Marshals will be available to assist you. Please note: Late arrivals may not be able to march with fellow graduates or be seated on the field.

What Not to Bring

No food, drink (other than water), or chewing gum is allowed in Pascal Field House  or in the stadium. Smoking is not permitted.

  • Bags (including backpacks, duffel bags, large purses, suitcases, wrapped gifts, banners, flags, signs, etc.) are prohibited from entering the venue. Please leave such items in personal vehicles or hotel rooms.
  • Do not wear spiked heels. Only low heels, flats, and/or wedges will be permitted on the field.

How to Access Pascal Field House

Outside the Stadium

  • On East side: Follow designated pathways from the Blue Zone 7 Lot around Brooks Field House to the Pascal Field House.
  • On West side: Use the ADA pathway from the Grounds Parking Lot to enter the Pascal Field House (elevator available in Pascal Field House).

Inside the Stadium

  • The only access from inside the stadium is via the stairs and/or elevator at the southwest end of the concourse. Students entering the stadium from the North gate should turn right once inside and follow the concourse to the end. The stairs and elevator will lead to field level.
  • Students should not try to enter the stadium through the East and West gates to get to the Pascal Field House but instead should find the appropriate pathway outside the stadium.

Instructions for the Line of March

Promptly at 8:50 AM, the candidates, in two degree columns, will begin to move from Pascal Field House into the stadium to a designated point on the field. At 9:00 AM, students will begin to march double file in a straight line along the marked path. Students who wish to sit together should line up behind each other for the march.

When you reach the row to which you are directed, please walk to the end of the aisle quickly to find a seat. There will be a stack of programs on the end seat of each row and the candidate occupying that seat should pass the stack of programs to the rest of the row. Students should remain standing until the Platform Party is seated after the National Anthem and the Invocation.

What to Wear

Candidates for degrees should dress in academic apparel (cap, gown and hood). Academic caps are worn during the procession. Men remove their caps for the National Anthem and the Invocation and replace them for the conferring of degrees. Women will keep their caps in place during the entire commencement ceremony. The tassel of the academic cap is worn always on the left front side. As a reminder, spiked heels will not be allowed. Only low heels, flats, and/or wedges are appropriate for walking on the field. 

After the Ceremony

When the ceremony has concluded and the Platform Party and members of the faculty and administration have departed, graduates are then free to proceed to the locations of their diploma ceremonies. Graduates should leave Brooks Field via the Pascal Field fire lane.  Do not exit via the stadium stairs.